The Story of Cody........ (go back »)

October 10 2008, 12:58 PM

I can't stop thinking about how Cody came into our lives and I promised him that I would let everyone know his story. Because of him, I know that miracles can really happen and you can be truly blessed and not even realize it!

It all started and 14 years ago, I was much younger then, well we all were. I Kept begging my father for a dog, but for what ever reason money or he didn't think I could handle the responsiblity he kept telling my no. I didn't give up I kept asking, and one day my prayers were answered. We were outside in the back yard, I was sitting on the steps and my father was working on the lawn mower and I asked him again and why he kept saying no, but before he really got a chance to answer, this cute dirty little fuzz ball showed up and sat at his feet. I of course got yelled at, for bringing him home, but I didn't, and I still have no clue where he came from. I could see the whole back yard and I didn't see him approaching. Again I was told no, but this little mutt didn't seem to like that answer, he kept coming back and sleeping on the porch, He chose us as his family. When my parents would go to work, my sister and I let him in and we tried to clean him up a bit and we fed him what we could and hurried and put him back outside before we got caught.

One day he showed up with a collar on, and my father said see he belongs to someone, we can't keep him. He called the number on the tag and asked for a women, whom to our surprise was cheating on her husband, whom is a preacher. My father was startled when upon asking for the women, he was greeted with hostility. Upon calming the man on the other end down, he explained why he was calling, explained that we had this dog here and was kind enough to try and return him. But to our surprise, he was told that the dog he described was hit by a car and was laid to rest. That would explain why it took so many times to clean him up, the amount of dirt in his fur was so great that it took several baths to get it all out. We thought that this dog was black and brown, but it really was brown and white.  

After that my father said yes and one night he took him for a walk up the street, and he was stopped by a family that claimed that he was there dog. Now at this point we were planning on keeping him, he was registered and we got him all his shots and heart worm meds. My father the good man that he is gave the dog too them and called my mother at work as soon as he arrived home, my sister and I were in the livingroom watching TGIF.....friday night tv. We went looking for them and found my father hiding in the bathroom with the phone cord stretched across the house. He was telling my mother everything that unfolded that night, once my mother got home, we piled into the van and drove up the street to where the dog with no name was tied in the front yard. We cried our little heads off wanting bring him home, but we couldn't he wasn't ours.
I visited him sereral times, even wanted and tried to steal him back, but I didn't succeed. He was tied up to a picnic table with no food or water, in the hot sun. I hated those people, I prayed for him to come back.  

One day we came home to find him wandering down the street with his lead still attached and we brought him inside, we contacted the human society and they told my father that he was ours if we kept him in the house for a week without him being seen by those neighbors. So we did, and he was ours. I was on a cloud having this dog, we were told by that other family that is name was Toby, but we didn't like that and needed something that sounded simular so he would learn it faster. I asked my Best friend at the time Christina, she said "Cody" and that was the name that stuck.

We later found out that some more neighbors, down the street called him Macaroni, and she couldn't keep him, she gave him to her sister that lived over by Cascade Park, and he kept running away and coming back to the croton area. I guess that he was always meant to live here, in our hearts and in our lives. He touched so many people and learning of the tragic events, so many shed a tear for that once dirty little dog that lived in the wild and ran till his hearts content.

I never told my parents, but before I saw him in our yard that day, I did see him once my bus stop he was there every day for a month and I think that seeing him is what prompted me to start asking for a dag, but I thought he was old and belonged to someone, I never thought that the dog I would get, that we were supposed to have was him.


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